wsappx_什么是“ wsappx”,为什么在我的PC上运行它?
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The “wsappx” process is part of Windows 8 and 10, and you may see it running in the background or even using a significant amount of CPU and disk resources. It’s related to the Windows Store and Microsoft’s new “Universal” app platform.

“ wsappx”进程是Windows 8和10的一部分,您可能会看到它在后台运行,甚至使用了大量的CPU和磁盘资源。 它与Windows应用商店和Microsoft的新“ Universal”应用程序平台有关。

This article is part of  explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like , , , , , , and . Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是文章的一部分,介绍在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,例如 , , , , , 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

什么是wsappx? (What Is wsappx?)

The wsappx process includes two seperate background services. On both Windows 8 and 10, wsappx includes the AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC). On Windows 10, you’ll also see the Client License Service (ClipSVC). On Windows 8, you’ll also see the Windows Store Service (WSService) instead of ClipSVC.

wsappx进程包括两个单独的后台服务。 在Windows 8和Windows 10上,wsappx均包含AppX部署服务(AppXSVC)。 在Windows 10上,您还将看到客户端许可证服务(ClipSVC)。 在Windows 8上,您还将看到Windows Store Service(WSService)而不是ClipSVC。

If you see the wsappx process running in your Task Manager, expand it and you’ll see one or both of the two subservices running (depending on which version of Windows you’re using). These services handle installing, removing, and updating Store apps, as well as ensuring they’re properly licensed.

如果您看到wsappx进程在任务管理器中运行,请对其进行扩展,然后您将看到两个子服务中的一个或两个都在运行(取决于您所使用的Windows版本)。 这些服务处理安装,删除和更新商店应用程序的过程,并确保它们已获得正确的许可。

Let’s take a closer look at each of these services.


什么是AppX部署服务(AppXSVC)? (What Is AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)?)

The AppX Deployment Service “deploys” Store apps. Those  are distributed in , hence the name.

AppX部署服务“部署”商店应用程序。 那些以 (因此命名)分发。

In other words, this process is used for installing, uninstalling, and updating Store apps. Windows automatically updates Store apps in the background, and many of the apps included with Windows—from Mail to —fall into this category.

换句话说,此过程用于安装,卸载和更新商店应用程序。 Windows会在后台自动更新Store应用程序,并且Windows随附的许多应用程序(从Mail到属于此类。

Traditional Windows desktop apps use CPU and disk resources when you install, remove, or update them, too. The only difference is that, when working with Store apps, you see the resources used by AppXSVC instead of the individual program’s installer.

当您安装,删除或更新传统Windows桌面应用程序时,它们也会使用CPU和磁盘资源。 唯一的区别是,在使用Store应用程序时,您会看到AppXSVC使用的资源,而不是单个程序的安装程序。

If you see this process running when you aren’t installing apps—and even if you never use those apps—it’s because Windows is updating them in the background. That also explains why you may sometimes see this process using CPU and disk resources in the background.

如果您在不安装应用程序时(即使您从未使用过这些应用程序)看到此过程正在运行,那是因为Windows正在后台更新它们。 这也解释了为什么有时您可能会在后台使用CPU和磁盘资源来看到此过程。

什么是客户端许可服务(ClipSVC)? (What Is Client License Service (ClipSVC)?)

On Windows 10, the ClipSVC background service handles “infrastructure support” for the Store. According to Microsoft, apps bought from the Store on your system “will not behave correctly” if you disable it.

在Windows 10上,ClipSVC后台服务处理商店的“基础结构支持”。 根据Microsoft的说法,如果禁用它,则从系统上的商店购买的应用程序“将无法正常运行”。

This service likely does a number of different things that enable Store apps to run properly. According to its name, its duties include license management, which ensures you can only run Store apps you’ve paid for. That’s an anti-piracy feature. Aside from that, Microsoft hasn’t explained what other features this service provides to Store apps.

这项服务可能会执行许多不同的操作,以使商店应用程序能够正常运行。 根据名称,其职责包括许可证管理,以确保您只能运行自己付费的商店应用。 这是反盗版功能。 除此之外,Microsoft尚未解释此服务为Store应用提供的其他功能。

什么是Windows Store服务(WSService)? (What Is Windows Store Service (WSService)?)

On Windows 8, the WSService background service also handles “infrastructure support” for the Store. In fact, the ClipSVC service on Windows 10 and WSService service on Windows 8 have essentially identical descriptions in the Services interface.

在Windows 8上,WSService后台服务还处理商店的“基础结构支持”。 实际上,Windows 10上的ClipSVC服务和Windows 8上的WSService服务在“服务”界面中具有基本相同的描述。

The WSService process seems to be basically the same thing as ClipSVC. It’s just named something different on Windows 8. You won’t see the WSService process on Windows 10.

WSService流程似乎与ClipSVC基本相同。 它在Windows 8上只是被命名为其他名称。在Windows 10上看不到WSService进程。

为什么要使用这么多的CPU? (Why Is It Using So Much CPU?)

The wsappx service generally only uses a noticeable amount of CPU when your PC is installing, uninstalling, or updating Store apps. This may be because you have chosen to install or uninstall an app, or because the Store is automatically updating the apps on your system.

wsappx服务通常仅在您的PC正在安装,卸载或更新Store应用程序时使用大量CPU。 这可能是因为您选择安装或卸载应用程序,或者是因为商店正在自动更新系统上的应用程序。

If you really don’t care about these included apps, you can tell the Windows Store not to automatically update your apps. To do so, launch the Store, click your user icon at the top right corner of the window, and then select the “Settings” option. Set the “Update apps automatically” slider to the “Off” position.

如果您真的不在乎这些附带的应用程序,则可以告诉Windows应用商店不要自动更新您的应用程序。 为此,请启动商店,单击窗口右上角的用户图标,然后选择“设置”选项。 将“自动更新应用程序”滑块设置为“关”位置。

When you want to update your apps, you can return to the Store, click your user profile icon, and select the “Downloads and updates” option. This screen displays any updates for your installed apps and allows you to install them.

当您要更新应用程序时,可以返回到商店,单击用户配置文件图标,然后选择“下载和更新”选项。 此屏幕显示已安装应用程序的所有更新,并允许您安装它们。

This solution prevents the wsappx service from using CPU to update apps in the background, although you won’t automatically get the latest app updates. When you manually update apps, you’ll still use system resources like CPU and RAM, but at least you get to choose when they’re used.

尽管您不会自动获取最新的应用程序更新,但该解决方案可防止wsappx服务使用CPU在后台更新应用程序。 手动更新应用程序时,您仍将使用CPU和RAM等系统资源,但至少可以选择何时使用它们。

Microsoft frequently updates the apps included with Windows—including Mail, Movies & TV, OneNote, Photos, and Calculator—so we don’t recommend disabling this feature if you use any of them.


我可以禁用它吗? (Can I Disable It?)

You can’t disable these processes. They don’t automatically run in the background. They launch as needed, and close when they aren’t needed. For example, launch a Store app and you’ll see ClipSVC appear. Launch the Windows Store itself and you’ll see AppXSVC appear. Install or uninstall an app and you’ll see AppX using some system resources to complete the process.

您不能禁用这些过程。 它们不会自动在后台运行。 它们根据需要启动,并在不需要时关闭。 例如,启动一个Store应用程序,您将看到ClipSVC出现。 启动Windows Store本身,您将看到AppXSVC出现。 安装或卸载应用程序,您将看到AppX使用一些系统资源来完成该过程。

If you try to kill the wsappx process from Task Manager, Windows warns you that your system will become unusable or shut down. There’s also no way to forcibly disable wsappx in .

如果尝试从任务管理器中终止wsappx进程,Windows会警告您系统将无法使用或关闭。 也没有办法在强制禁用wsappx。

Even if you could prevent these processes from running, you wouldn’t want to. They’re a critical part of Windows 10. They only run when necessary, and use very few system resources most of the time. They’ll only use system resources when you install, uninstall, or update a Store app—and you can tell Windows not to do that in the background, if you like.

即使您可以阻止这些进程运行,也不想这样做。 它们是Windows 10的重要组成部分。它们仅在必要时运行,并且大部分时间只使用很少的系统资源。 他们仅在安装,卸载或更新Store应用程序时使用系统资源,并且您可以根据需要告诉Windows不要在后台执行此操作。

是病毒吗? (Is It a Virus?)

The wsappx software is a part of Windows 10 itself. We haven’t seen any reports of malware disguising itself as the wsappx, AppXSVC, ClipSVC, or WSService processes. However, if you’re concerned about malware, it’s always a good idea to  to check your system for anything dangerous.

wsappx软件是Windows 10本身的一部分。 我们还没有看到任何恶意软件伪装成wsappx,AppXSVC,ClipSVC或WSService进程的报告。 但是,如果您担心恶意软件,最好进行以检查系统是否存在危险,这始终是一个好主意。




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